Diana and Shireen studied
‘Professional Certificate in English Language Teaching’

Mrs Abeer Hanna, LPJ Director of Education (centre), is understandably very proud of the achievements of her two teachers, Diana Basir (right) and Shireen Abed-ilfalah (left)
For nearly ten years Diana had been keen to enhance her leadership role in English teaching by obtaining a TESOL or equivalent qualification (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages). CNT arranged in 2014 for her to come to England to study for this at Lewis School of English but, despite everything being arranged, it proved impossible for her to obtain a visa. CNT tried again in 2021 using an online Lewis TESOL course but the timing proved impractical as her pupils were adjusting to returning to school after lockdown. Eventually, in July 2022, Diana was selected for an Amideast course to obtain her PCELT, the equivalent of TESOL. Amideast, www.amideast.org, is an American NGO organisation providing training courses in Ramallah. She was joined by Shireen and they both worked long days for a whole, hot month to complete the course. All credit is due to them and also their understanding and supportive families. This is a tremendous achievement which is richly deserved. Diana and Shireen are two of the outstanding teachers who have received training since 2013 through The English Project. Diana, already the LPJ English Supervisor, will welcome having Shireen’s support and advice.
Their commitment to the LPJ schools and their pupils is exemplary. Congratulations! Continue reading